I just finished reading an article a friend on Facebook posted about unexpected ways to turn on men, or this particular man anyway. I usually don't read these articles because I usually have no problem turning them on - it's KEEPING a good one that's the problem here. Keeping a good one and fending off the bad ones.
I am perfectly single and wanted to stay like that forever more, but lately I'm not so sure. I'm slowly starting to think having a significant other might be kind of nice. With this in mind, I started thinking what do I want in a man? These are the nine things that sprung to mind right off the bat:
1. Happy eyes are the most important thing to me and a HUGE turn on! I absolutely LOVE eyes with a little glimmer in them. They look at you and you can read that they have
something else in mind, or a little something else going on and they KNOW you are going
to love it! Hard to explain, but if you have those eyes you know exactly what I mean!
2. A sense of humor is the second most important thing to me. You have to get me, not
be offended by me (unless I mean for you to be ), and see me and "All That Is Moi!" as a
talent and a gift, and something to be enjoyed and loved - not just "quirky". Quirky is for
my blond moments, which I have at will - most times. If you're getting one of my
blond moments, it's because you have asked for it, and in either a good way or bad way,
deserve it.
3. You have to want to be with me and think I am the greatest thing since bread. But not fawn
all over me and tell me how I am the greatest thing since bread. For if you do that I will
walk all over you, run you over with my car, back up and run over you again. At the same
time, I want to feel you are fascinated with me and respect me for the Royalty I am - whether
it be for real or in my own little head.
4. You have to be able to deal with my randomness, my multiple personality's (It's all true
what they say about Geminis!), and that I try to find the humor in something when
I'm stressed - It's the only way I know how to deal with stress - finding the funny.
5. I want to know if you want the same things I do and I don't want to play games - you
will loose every time because I am just that good.
6. I don't want to feel I'm being pressured into anything. But at the same time, I want to
be whisked up and off into the sunset - A LOT!
7. I'm not going to make the first move and I'll probably not call you - at least not for a
while, anyway - and you have to be OK with that, make the first move and call me - A LOT!
8. I want you to take my hand, I want you to put your arm around me, and I want you to
give me a kiss - a small one to start out with because the thought of a relationship scares
the living hell out of me and I might run before I even know I'm running................It's just
how I roll! LOL!
9. If you have the above quality's you will be looking like Johnny Depp to me and what you
look like to me is all that counts.
So, if this is you - God help you, and leave me a comment. For the rest of you - you are missing out on the best thing since bread - BUMMER, DUDES!
Either way - You gotta love me!!!
(©2010 RayleneDeschenes)
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