
Monday, November 30, 2009

The Hiring Game

My resume sucks, I need to rewrite it. Ughhhh! What are the "action words" today? Is it to long? Is it to short? Does it sound positive? Does it convey who I am? Does it.......Ughhhh! What the hell is wrong with straight forward "This is who I am, this is what I've done and this is why you need to have me working... for you"? I hate games! Job hunting is nothing but a game anymore - you play well, you get hired.

I used to play the game very well. I don't ever remember applying for a job, interviewing and not getting it. I don't play well anymore because I think it's a crock of shit that it has become as ridiculous as it has.

Gone are the days, when ethics, morals and professionalism and loyalty count for more than a hill of beans.

I love it when I'm asked "give me an example of when you did such and such and if that has never happened to you what would you do if it did?" I was really good at coming up with what they wanted to hear. Of course, who's to say if it's what I would do in a given situation, it doesn't really matter, because they don't care what you did or would do - they want you to give them the answer they want to hear or you're out of there faster than you got in!

Life's to short to play silly mindless games, people! Put some ethics back into the hiring process and just maybe you'll start attracting a better, more ethical, not to mention loyal and professional employee!

I'm really over the f-ing games I have to play with newly graduated collage students who have their heads up their asses! No wonder you need cameras every thirty feet to keep tabs on your employees! You have idiots hiring idiots!

Thank you for your attention in this matter, I may not ever get hired now because of this, but I feel a whole lot better! I'm posting this on my blog and letting the chips fall where they may! Because I just have to be me!   (©2009 RayleneDeschenes)

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