
Saturday, December 5, 2009

25 Things Everyone Would Want To Know About Me, But Didn't Know They Wanted To Know Until They Knew It!

This was a request from a friend on facebook who had written 25 things about herself and shared with me.  I liked the idea, but didn't think I would ever be able to come up with 25 things about me. Well, once I got started, I couldn't stop.  That's a lie.  I could stop, but all day other things kept popping into my mind - We all know how scary that can be!  LOL!  So, here you are - 25 Things about me!

1. I talk to myself because sometimes that is the only way I am able to have any kind of an intelligent conversation with anyone here for the day.

2. I was afraid of kids until I had my own. I'm still not a big fan, but if they are polite and somewhat intelligent, I can hang.

3. All most everything I own was in storage. Last December, I gave up my storage, not because I couldn't pay for it, I could, but because I came to the realization it was just stuff. If I dropped dead tomorrow, who's going to care about any of it? It's just junk to everyone else. Except for my art, but I can draw and paint more. Memories are inside your head and your heart. They have nothing to do with things.

4. I have a safe with valuables in it and I can't remember the combination to open it. Silly me! So, until I get the money for a locksmith, those things are safe even from me!

5. I have lived most of my adult life in the fast lane - just like the song says. I have met some rather colorful people and have had some rather unique experiences that I wouldn't really recommend to anyone. I took an exit a few years ago, because my children were getting older and it was time for me to grow up. I don't regret nor do I apologize to anyone (my children included) for the decisions I have made. They made me who I am today and I really like who I am today. If I had it to do all over again, I would in a heartbeat!

6. OMG, I have to come up with 20 more things about me?

7. I taught Art and Crafts to Girl Scout Leaders for a few years. I never knew it took a talent to do crafts until I had to teach adults to glue a couple of Popsicles sticks together and quite a few couldn't do it. We're talking crafts I taught 5 and 6 year olds earlier that summer. Who knew?

8. I'm 5' tall. 5'4" to 5'6" when wearing heals. I LOVE stilettos! Had a lovely collection - till I got rid of my storage! LOL!

9. I don't eat meat except for an occasional Hebrew National Hot dog or a BLT made with this microwave bacon my mom buys. I haven't ate meat (including fowl) since I was 10years old. I saw a documentary on slaughter houses and that was it for me.

10. I really, really suck at sports, except for swimming. I could swim my ass off! LOL!

11. I was thrown off the company softball team because they found out my friend and I had dumped the contents of our Big Gulps and refilled them with wine. I thought we played the bench position we were given when we had a little wine under our belts, but the coach was not in agreement. Silly coach!

12. My grandmother died after years of Alzheimer's. Every time someone even mentions Alzheimer's I burst out in tears. This made watching Grey's Anatomy very hard until they killed off Meridith's mother. The tears would flow so hard, I couldn't see Dr. McDreamy, which made watching the show pointless!

13. I held a record for truancy at Rancho High School for years. If it wasn't for 8 years of Catholic School, I never would have graduated high school. Even then our public school system sucked!

14. I went to Charm School. Charm School Basic, Mid and Advanced. I know which fork to use in any situation.

15. When I went to New York, my brother and I hit some of the hot clubs there at the time. When there was a line to get in I would go up to the bouncer an start a little small talk. Not only did we not once have to wait in line to get in to these places, but in quite a few, we got a great table and were even comped. I was just really good like that! LOL!

16. Before I had kids, I ALWAYS set a formal table for dinner. Used to drive my then boyfriend up the wall and scare the people I may have invited to dinner. LOL!

17. There is a series of 7 books that someone (Forget who - this was a long time ago) wrote about revenge. I read every one. I thought this was good to know if Karma takes too long. LOL!

18. I love to talk to people. Anywhere, any time, any place. No matter where I go, I end up with a new 'friend'. My family has issues with this.

19. I used to go to Wal-Mart on Nellis and Bonanza at 2am just to talk to the two senior citizen guys in the sporting goods section. They had great stories to tell. I would be there for hours sometimes, just listening to their stories. When we moved up here, I lost touch with them. I really miss them.

20. I was 13 when I got my first job. I cleaned the insurance office next to my dad's barber shop on Saturdays. I made $5.00 an hour which was quite a lot considering the minimum wage then was $1.35 an hour. The man who owned the office gave me $20.00 a week for doing that, even if it only took an hour on some days! He said I did a great job, so consider the rest a tip. I did this till I was 16 then passed to job to my sister.

21. When one of the grade school teachers gave my son a list of spelling words and told him to use them in a sentence. He and I came up with one sentence in which we were able to use all 20 words. This is something I ALWAYS wanted to do, but in Catholic School you didn't dare! The teacher called me that night (my kids teachers were ALWAYS calling me. LOL!) and said she gave Frankie and I an A+ for that, but in the future she would like one sentence for each word. LOL!

22. I absolutely can not deal with being bored. I go absolutely nuts, literally. I have a paper and pencil with me at all times just in case. I have been late for appointments because I'd have to come back home to get them. If I get bored I draw. Some of my best work has been created on the 3 hr bus drive from Henderson to where I live

23. When I was 13yrs old I created these little dolls that a Hallmark franchise in Montana was interested in selling in their stores and really wanted to place an order for them. After some consideration I turned them down. Stupid, stupid me!

24. I was a bartender once. I gave it up to cocktail tables at that same establishment. I told them I could make more money cocktailing than being behind the bar. They gave me the slowest shift in the bar. Everyone thought I was nuts. I proved them all wrong. I made more money then, working part time, than I ever did before or since - And I have had some very good paying jobs!

25. I did it! 25 things about me that I don't know why anyone would want to know, but here it is! Have at it and enjoy and don't forget to send me 25 things about you that you don't know why I would want to know, but have decided to share with me anyway! LOL! Love you all!  (©2009 RayleneDeschenes)

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