
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stupid People And Why We Need Them! (Inspired by my friend Bren, who takes no prisoners!)

I spent a good part of today traveling across town, dealing with Stupid People who weren't quite dumb enough to fail their driving test, but were dumb enough to be driving like idiots on the same street I was driving on. Not only that, but I hit an endless mirage of school zones, where the previously mentioned idiots were picking up their offspring. These kids were having trouble putting one foot in front of the other and the only reason for that, is either all the texting they were busy doing, or that they are idiots themselves. I'm going with probability that Idiots beget Idiots

Therefore, it came as no surprise, when a friend mentioned recently,that she would like to see Stupid People spayed and neutered. What a wonderful idea! When it was proposed to me, I was ready to follow her into the battle - To weed out dumb-nuts where ever they be! To strengthen our species and create a more intelligent human being to drive the streets of tomorrow into an idiot-free future for all!

As I poured a glass of wine and contemplated the ensuing battle, I realized Stupid People do serve a purpose here on earth. After my second glass of wine, I came up with a list of ten reasons Stupid People exist have decided to share those reason with you. I hope, the next time you have to interact with an idiot, you will think of this list and find it in your heart to suppress the burning desire to strangle, spay or neuter them and instead, turn to them and give one a hug - you'll be glad you did!

Why Stupid People Exist:

1. Stupid people are entertaining to watch and delightful to listen to.

2. Stupid people serve as a warning to smarter people looking to go dumb.

3. Stupid people make those of average intelligence look some what brighter than a dim bulb

4. Stupid people make good pets.

5. Stupid people are the reason 300,000 people nationwide have jobs (to stamp out stupid! DUH!)

6. Stupid people vote into office other stupid people offering change and hope, thereby creating another 300,000 jobs nationwide to clean up their mess (The bureaucratic paperwork alone, will require a good 300,000 more office employees to handle it). Sorry, I HAD to go there! LOL!

7. This being said, Stupid people could be the answer to the recession.

8. Stupid people give stupider people a sense of superiority and complacency.

9. Stupid people will go where no man has gone before and live to tell about it. Where as a smart person would know better than to go there, loose confidence from being in a knowingly dumb situation, and do something stupid to get out of said situation, thereby causing their demise.

10. Stupid people have all the luck.

Be that as it may, I would like to contribute my two cents to the sterilization of Stupid People as a few Stupid People go a long way, or at least to revoking their drivers licences! LOL!

(©2010 RayleneDeschenes)

There is no such thing as a stupid question. It's the idiot asking the question that's the problem. (RayleneDeschenes 2009)

1 comment:

  1. great blog post. But it causes me to question am I actually a stupid person appearing to be smart or am I a smart person who does stupid things? I shall have to ruminate on this!
