
Saturday, January 9, 2010


There was an email that was being sent to women on Facebook recently that read:

 "Some fun is going on.... just write the color of your bra in your status, nothing else.

Send this on to ONLY girls no men .... It will be neat to see if this will Spread the Wings of Cancer Awareness. It will be fun to see how long it takes before the men will wonder why all the girls have a colour in their status... Haha!"

Well, men found out.  Go figure.

After receiving numerous emails about the short period of time it took men to find out what the one word posts were about, who might have tipped them off (the wife), and why said person would do such a thing (the whole husband/wife camradery issue), I felt the need to respond:


You all know, we rule the world in every way, shape and form. We let men think they do because it's good for testosterone levels and good testosterone levels mean nice, hunky, meaty guys that make us swoon. Swooning is a good thing! Look what it did for Scarlet O'hara in Gone With The Wind. Testosterone gives them the ability to hunt down dinner, and although we can hunt our own dinner AND fry it up in a pan, it's hard on our nails and we all know how much a good manicure costs these days!

Thanks to us, men are getting smarter. They are on to us. They are using their heads (the one on their neck) in more productive ways, getting intouch with their emotions, and have filled the internet with 'how to' sites on manipulating women into thinking we need them.

Why is this happening?  Because, now that we have the ability to harvest sperm, we don't need them anymore.  There is nothing a man can do that we can't do for ourselves.  Their whole reason for being is now gone.  They know their survival as a species will depend on them ruling the world, and they are going to great measures to make that happen.

Think about it.  There are more 'cougars' (the Jackass of all terms) out there than ever before.  Why do you think that is?   The next generation of men are a little brighter than the last generation.   They watched their mothers and absorbed what was going on around them.  They know that we rule the word and have hooked on to "Old School" women to learn everything they can from her before she kicks the bucket,  so that they will be one step closer to ruling the word themselves.

We need to buck-up, Ladies!  We need to protect our sisterly secerets of World Domination!

This was a test, Ladies, from the powers that be, to see if we are strong enough to keep our grip on this world, and we failed miserably!

If one of us will betray the sisterhood on an issue of bra color and it's meaning, it's just a matter of time before someone will give up the secrets of womb dwelling and child birth!  With that information in their hands, men will take over the world, ladies, and there will be nothing we will be able to do about it!

(©2010 RayleneDeschenes)

This reply is not meant to offend anyone. It is for entertainment only. I have been deleted for less, hence the reason for the disclaimer. LOL!

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