
Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I tend to take people at face value and it bites me in the butt most of the time. What is wrong with being who you are and being honest about what you want, where you're going and how you plan on getting there (figuratively speaking)?

I understand everyone of us has our “me” times. We have to be selfish at times to pull ourselves out of the muck we find ourselves drowning in just living day to day. It's when we get wrapped up in the “me” mode for weeks, or months at a time that the problem lies.

Most of us were raised to think being selfish is a bad thing, and because of that, we don't want to see it in ourselves let alone admit to it when we finally do. So we put on our “All Caring, Look what A Great Guy/Gal I Am” persona and go out into the world — smiling at the people around us, pretending to listen to them, but not really hearing them because “I” have more important things to do, or places to be. When in “me” mode, we become walking zombies, stomping the people who truly care about us into the ground.

There is nothing wrong with being selfish from time to time, as long as you don't make it a career path. We need to be selfish sometimes for our own mental sanity. We have all been there.
(©2019 Raylene Deschenes)

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