
Saturday, August 24, 2019


I have a zit on the very tip of my nose. 

My perfectly formed, lily-white nose has a big RED bulbous zit on the very tip of it — right smack dab in the middle of the tip of my nose!

Every time I pass a mirror it gets bigger................and bigger.................and BIGGER!  The zit — NOT my nose!

The last time I passed the bathroom, I looked..... and (I swear to God!) it (the zit) winked at me!  Of course, I wasn't wearing my glasses, but I'm telling you, it winked at me........ And it did it with a smirk!

So, of course, me being me, I wasn't having it.  I did what any zit inflicted person would do...................................................................... I squeezed it.   I took the very tip of my nose between two fingers and I squeezed the living hell out of it.......yes!   I showed that zit who was boss and that zit laughed its ass off right back at me! 

The zit is now more of a giant round red bump on the end of my nose, engulfing my nose like it owned it and daring me to do anything about it, then calling me “bitch” just because it can.  Seriously! 

I have been dominated, overthrown, stepped on and put out to pasture by a zit........ I'm so ashamed.....

Wait!  I have pointy tweezers!  All is not lost!  Your Queen may have been beaten, but I'm still in the game!  I will conquer said zit with my pointy tweezers!  I will gather my 5X magnifying lens, my glasses, my LED light and my pointy tweezers and I will annihilate that zit and any other offending pores while I'm at it!  That zit will be at my mercy!  I will make it cry “Uncle”, then kill it anyway, and I will take great joy in doing so, both for revenge and because I can!  You're going down, zit — and with a vengeance! 

I'll let you know how that goes.....

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